What you see here is exactly what it looks like.
The JHS Department is going on a cooking practical in the school. Our facilitator for the cooking practical is our highly respected
Sir Dennis who teaches the subject known as Career Technology in the J.H.S. department.
The JHS department had just started the topic of food and Food commodities so there just had to be a practical. We prepared two local dishes (Yam and Palava Sauce, Banku and Okro stew) and two continental dishes (Jollof rice and chicken, Fried rice and chicken).
With cooking practicals always accompanied with a lot of marks, students, including me, Neriah Dadzie did our extreme best to cook these dishes really well.
Even the aroma of the dishes made outsiders stop and observe us cook and I must say the food was delicious. But who am I to speak? It is the judge's opinion that matters. And guess what they said, the dishes were superb with only a few faults with garnishing and that’s all.
Remember this, there will always be new updates for you guys. Bye!
Until next time,
Perseverance, Morality and Excellence!!!
By: Neriah Dadzie
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